API specifications

Version 1.1.0

This is a sample client of a federated computation in FeatureCloud.

A sample client should implement the following three functionalities via implementing the API given here:

  1. Setup: The local client gets informed via GET/setup about whether it is the coordinator or not, about it’s own id and about the ids of all involved clients.

  2. Sending data: The local client gets asked if it has any data to be sent and the conditions of the relay of data via the GET/status request. If the response to that request contains available:true, a followup GET/data request is send to retrieve the data for relay.

  3. Receiving data: Receiving the data sent in step 2 from another client happens via the POST/data?client call.

The sample client should listen to localhost on port 5000. All calls described here should be served under the /api route. The sample client should also support the /web route, answering GET/web request with a simple string of the current status of the local client.

Path Table






Setup the local client and trigger start of local execution



Status of the local client, information on how to relay data to other clients



Request data from local client for relay to other clients



Posts data from coordinator or other clients to local client

Path Details


  • Summary

Setup the local client and trigger start of local execution.

  • Details

Posts the information about which id the current client posses, if it is the coordinator and the ids of all clients involved. This information can later be used as information on where to send data and which role this client takes (coordinator or participant).


  • application/json

  id: string
  coordinator: boolean
  clients: string[]


  • 200 Success


  • Summary

Status of the local client, containing information about how data should be relayed to other client(s).

Local Client -> Relay Server

  • Details

The response of this request gives information about how data should be sent. As soon as available is true, a follow up [GET]/data request is sent. The data fetched with that [GET]/data request is send according to the information given in this [GET]/status request.


  • 200 Success


  available: boolean // if set to true, a follow up GET/data request is send
  finished: boolean
  message?: string
  progress?: number
  state?: enum[running, error, action_required]
  destination?: string 
    // destination is the id of the client the data should be sent to.
    // if no destination is given the following applies: 
    // If the data comes from the coordinator it's
    // broadcast to all clients, if the data comes from any client the data
    // is send to the coordinator.
    // When using SMPC, destination does not have to be given and data is sent
    // correctly automatically
  smpc?: {
    operation: enum[add, multiply] 
    serialization?: enum[json] // default is json
    shards?: number // default is number of participants including coordinator
    exponent?: number // default is 8
  dp?: {
    serialization?: enum[json] // default is json
    noisetype?: enum[laplace, gauss] // default is laplace
    epsilon?: float // default is 0.99999
    delta?: float // default is 0 for laplace noise and 0.01 for gauss noise
    sensitivity?: float 
    clippingVal?: float 
      // default is 10.0 and only set if neither
      // clippingVal nor sensitivity are given


  • Summary

Receive data from the local client for relay as specified in previous response to [GET]/status

Local Client -> Relay Server

  • Details

This request is the follow up request after a [GET]/status that got answered with the parameter available: true. The response can contain any data and is send according to the information given in the previous [GET]/status response. All information is send encrypted.


  • 200 Success


  // any data given in application/octet-stream format, 
  // must comply serialization format for SMPC/DP (JSON).


  • Summary

Any data sent by other clients to the local client is given to the local client via the RequestBody of this call

Relay Server -> Local Client

  • Details

The query variable client contains the clientID of the client that sent the data that the local client is receiving via this call. Furthermore, the RequestBody contains the data that another client sent.


The variable client of the query string contains the clientID of the remote client which send the data to the local client. For SMPC, the variable client has no relevance as the data sent in the RequestyBody is already aggregated data.


  • application/octet-stream

  // any data given in application/octet-stream format, 
  // if send via SMPC/DP, will comply with the corresponding serialization
  // format (JSON)


  • 200 Success