FeatureCloud Workflow

In FeatureCloud, end-users and developers can run linear workflow in the front-end website at https://featurecloud.ai. They can assemble a workflow and run different apps in a linear fashion where each app will be executed after another. Results of each app will be provided for the next one in the workflow while the results should be in the right format and extension which is acceptable for the upcoming app. Any workflows may involve different number of clients(data owners) who want to collaborate in the federated fashion, using one or more applications. Even though the online workflow serves all the needs of end-users, developers may have challenges to flexibly employ different apps in nonlinear fashion to come-up with new solutions. FeatureCloud developers can range from app developers who will implement federated apps that are extended version of centralized, or the ones that are introduced originally to address federated challenges. The Latter is concerned with researchers in various fields of science which makes it significantly trickier. In fact, developers may need arbitrary operations on data and results for to discover the right solution which may involve pre-/post-processing apps or operations. Long story short, here we introduce FeatureCloud test workflow, where developers can assemble an arbitrary workflow for research purposes. Such test workflows, are not supported in the app store, and once the developers came with final solution, they ought to present it as an app that may be run in conjunction of other apps in a workflow. In FC test workflow, each app will be run as a test app in the test-bed. Accordingly, all the functionalities are applied to the test-run that runs a specific app.

FeatureCloud Controller Class

FeatureCloud pip package includes the Controller class that used to be extended by developers for defining test apps and workflows. The Controller class cover basic interactions with the FC controller. The functionalities are:

  • start: start a given test-run

  • stop: stops a given test-run

  • delete: deletes a given test-run

  • list: list all the test-runs in the controller

  • traffic: gets the test-run’s traffic from the controller

  • logs: Gets all the logs for a given test-run from the controller

  • info: Gets information for a given test-run from the controller

All the operations are regarding the predetermined controller where it is possible to run multiple controller instances on the same machine. Such functionalities and interactions can be useful for any app and in some cases for the workflow as a whole. Therefore, we introduce TestApp and TestWorkFlow class to cover such basic functionalities.


In a workflow, during the execution of each app, developers may need a limited set of interactions with controller to manipulate data or results. Beside such operations, most apps need to get data and provide results. In that regard, we provided some attributes and methods to handle automatic data loading, intermediate result extractions and storage. ## Attributes:

App’s docker image name

app_image: The image name of the app in FeatureCloud docker repository. ### ID of the test run for the app test_id: ID of the test-run for the app. This ID should be used to inform the controller.

Number of clients

n_clients: Number of clients that app will run for

Data extraction flag

results_ready: It is true once the results are extracted to the app’s directory

ID of the application in a test workflow

app_id: ID of app in the workflow that contains multiple apps can be helpful to recognise it once the app is run in a non-linear workflow.

Paths to data

To have access to the data of apps before and after execution, developers may need to use these attributes. Meanwhile, the controller needs relative paths to data and tests directories of the controller to clone the initial data and files or store the final results.

Path to the generic data for app’s clients

generic_dir: Relative path to directory containing generic files, e.g., config.yml file. To be used by developers to access th edata.

Path to the private data for app’s clients

clients_path: Full path to directory containing the clients’ data that can be used by developers to access the data.

Relative path to the private data for app’s clients

clients_relative_path: Relative path to directory containing the clients’ data which should be provided to the controller to store the results to.

Path to the results of the app execution

results_path: Full path to directory containing the app’s results for clients. Not all apps provide specific results for clients. In that case, there may be different number of zip files as results than number of clients. Full path will be needed when developers may want to access the data.

Relative path to the private data for app’s clients

results_relative_path: Relative path to directory containing the app’s results for clients.


Set apps test ID

def set_id(self, test_id: int): Set the app’s test ID and partially define the delete method based on it.

Extract the results (zip files)

def extract_results(self, def_res_file: str): extract app’s results zip files for all clients into their corresponding directories

Wait for the end of app execution

def wait_until_finishes(self): Waits until the app status becomes finished.

Check the app is finished or not

def is_finished(self): Check either the app status is finished.

Create and remove directories

def clean_dirs(self, def_re_dir: str): creates results directories. And removes existing results in the directories

Generate paths to data and results dirs

def create_paths(self, ctrl_data_path: str, ctrl_test_path: str): Generate paths to directories containing the app’s data(for each client) And also for app’s results.

ctrl_data_path: str
    path to the target controller's data folder
ctrl_test_path: str
    path to the target controller's tests folder

Copy final results, as data for the next app.

def copy_results(self, ctrl_data_path: str, dest_generic: str, dest_clients: list, default_res_name: str): Copy results of the app to as the data to the directory of the next app.

ctrl_data_path: str
    path to the target controller's data folder
dest_generic: str
    Full path to directory containing
    the generic data of the next app in the workflow
dest_clients: str
    Full path to directory containing
    the clients' data of the next app in the workflow
default_res_name: str
    Default name for the app's result directory
    Same name for all clients.


The TestWorkFlow class is an abstract class that provides basic functionalities for general workflows. It asks developers to extend it and implement run() and register_app methods. ### Attributes #### apps It includes a list of instances of TestApp class as apps that should be run in the workflow. The order of registering apps will be preserved, however, developers can run them in any arbitrary manner. #### controller An instance of Controller class that helps developers to have same operations for all running test-runs with different apps. #### default_res_dir_name It is a name for the result directory that contains all extracted results from the zip file for each client in each app. This directory provides the data for the upcoming app. ### Methods

Registering an app: def register_app(self)

This abstract method should be implemented by developers to register apps into the workflow. The apps will be added to the self.apps list and will be available in the run method to be executed.

Running the workflow: def run(self)

It is another abstract method tha should be implemented by developers to run the workflow. Developers can implement an arbitrary flow of app execution when they have access to the data and results of each app.

Registering a TestApp instance def register(self, app)

Adding TestApp instance to the app list and logging the apps attributes.

Stopping all running apps on the WF’s controller: def stop(self)

Stop all test-runs in the controller. #### Deleting all the running containers in the WF: def delete(self) Delete all test-runs in the controller.

Getting information of all running test-runs in the WF’s controller: def info(self, format: str)

info of all tests in the specified controller or all of them.

Tips for implementing and running workflows

For implementing a desired workflow, developers should extend TestWorkFlow class and implement register_apps and run methods. The name of the extended class should always be WorkFlow and it asks for the controller address, channel, and query interval for querying the controller. After implementing the workflow, developers can run it using FeatureCloud pip package:

sudo featurecloud test workflow start --wf-dir <WORKFLOW_FILE_Path> --wf-file <NAME> --controller-host <CONTROLLER> --channel <> --query-interval <>

Beware that due to the file permissions, the workflow should be run using supper-user access. ALl the data and results will be available in the controller’s data directory. In fact, data for the first app should be provided in app{app_n} folder. Where app_n is the index the target app in WF’s apps list. The same numbering applies for all the registered apps, and results will be directly moved into the next app’s directory. Even though the controller write result zip files in tests directory, for each app, the extracted results will be available in corresponding app folder in data directory.