Getting Started¶
The FeatureCloud CLI¶
The FeatureCloud CLI tool is available as a pip package.
pip install featurecloud
Main commands of the CLI¶
Command |
Description |
Subcommands |
controller |
Controller start/stop |
help, logs, ls, start, status, stop |
app |
App related commands |
help, build, download, new, plot-states, publish, remove |
test |
Testbed related commands |
help, delete, info, list, logs, start, stop, traffic, workflow |
More details about commands and its subcommands are available here
Application development¶
There are two ways to implement applications for FeatureCloud:
Both ways rely (and relay) on the so called controller. The controller is a dockerized server responsible for the communication. The featurecloud pip package offers functioanlity to communicate with the controller.
To test applications in development, the test functioanlity of the CLI can be used.
App template based development (recommended)¶
Create a directory with the wanted template (templates)
featurecloud app new --template-name=app-blank my-app
- Implement your own application using the template
Implementation of the app logic: The implementation itself happens in We suggest first looking at this example and then reading the concrete steps
You may use (and we recommended using) states. Any state must have the
decorator. This decorator must decorate aClass(AppState)
that contains two methods:register(self)
must contain at least one call toself.register_transition('[anotherState]', [Role.COORDINATOR, Role.CLIENT, Role.BOTH])
To get input data from the user of your app, specify the formatting of your input in your apps description and load any data from /mnt/input, e.g. via conf = to load the config, then using the config to describe the data loaded, e.g. pandas.read_csv(f’mnt/input/{conf[‘[yourAppName]’][‘dataFileName’]}’). Furthermore, considering output, use mnt/output
implements all logic in the state. Usereturn '[anotherState]'
to change to the next state. To ensure that only the coordinator/only a client does something, useself.is_coordinator
To keep variables between states, you can use'[someKey]', value=[variablename])
to store a variable andself.load('[someKey]')
to load the variable in another state.
For communication, use the methods
Using external packages: if you want to use an external package, e.g.
, you mustimport numpy
in and includenumpy
with the wanted version in requirements.txtLogging: for logging, use
For more information, checkout the
code documentation
and an app template, e.g checkout template app dice. Alternatively, you can also check the example provided here
Build your application (creates a docker image of the application)
featurecloud app build ./my-app my-app
Test your application with Testbed
Start the controller with
featurecloud controller start
This creates a folder called data in your current working directoryPlace your input data into the data folder just created. For EACH client you want to simulate in a test, create a folder, e.g. client1, client2, … Also, create a folder generic_dir for the data that all clients should get
Start a test with
featurecloud test start --controller-host=http://localhost:8000 --app-image=my-app --query-interval=1 --client-dirs=.,.
You can checkout the results on the frontend ( You need to be logged in, then test results are found here.
- Publish your application to the FeatureCloud App Store
First, you must create the app in the app store. You must be logged in as a user with the role app developer. Then, in the App Store under Development, you can add an application.
Secondly, you must push the built image with the cli
featurecloud app publish my-app
Ensure that the name you used withfeaturecloud app build
is the same as the one you gave before creating the app in the App store Frontend.
Available app templates:
Blank app: The Blank app template is a starting point for implementing apps by adding more states and operations.
Blank app with visualizer: This template is based on the blank app template and it includes a visualizer application.
App round: The App round template is based in the blank app template with three app states implemented.
Dice app: The Dice app template contains four states with a simple dice throw simulation.
App Four: The App Four template contains four states and supports three scenarios (Centralized, Simulation, and Federated) in two modes (Native and Containerized).
Example of
# A simple example for a typical federated learning app
from import AppState, app_state, Role, LogLevel
# an intial state for loading the data, this state MUST always be implemented
class InitialState(AppState): # you can choose any fitting classname
def register(self):
# here, any possible change to another state must be documented
self.register_transition("local_computation", Role.BOTH)
# Role.BOTH means that this transition can be done by
# the coordinator and a participant
# Other options are Role.PARTICIPANT and Role.COORDINATOR
def run(self):
# Here you can for example load the config file and the data
# Any data given by the user will always be placed in the directory
# given in the line below (<workind_dir>/mnt/input)
dataFile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "mnt", "input", "data.csv")
data = pd.read_csv(dataFile)
# Data can be stored for access in other states like this = "data", value=data)
# Also store some intial model = "model", value=np.zeros(5))
# to progress to another state, simply return the states name
return "local_computation"
# a state for the local computation
class local_computation(AppState):
def register(self):
self.register_transition("aggregate_data", Role.COORDINATOR)
self.register_transition("obtain_weights", Role.PARTICIPANT)
def run(self):
# do some local computations
model = calculateThings(self.load("data"), self.load("model"))
# loads the data and calculates some model
if self.is_coordinator:
return "aggregate"
return "obtain_weights"
# a state just for obtaining the weights from the coordinator
class obtainWeights(AppState):
def register(self):
self.register_transition("local_computation", Role.BOTH)
def run(self):
updated_model = self.await_data(n = 1)
# n=1 since we only expect one model from the coordinator"model", updated_model)
return "local_computation"
# a state for the coordinator to aggregate all weights
class aggregateDataState(AppState):
def register(self):
self.register_transition("obtain_weights", Role.COORDINATOR)
self.register_transition("terminal", Role.COORDINATOR)
def run(self):
aggregated_model = self.aggregate_data(operation = SMPCOperation.ADD)
# waits for every participant to send something and then
# adds them together
updated_model = aggregated_model / len(self.clients)
if stop_training_criteria: # if the training is done
fp = open(os.path.join("mnt", "output", "trained_model.pyc"), "wb"), updated_model)
return "terminal"
# going to the terminal state will finnish the app and tell
# all clients that the computation is done
self.broadcast_data(updated_model, send_to_self = True)
return "obtain_weights"
Developing applications from scratch (advanced)¶
Steps for creating your federated application from scratch:
Using any language of your choice, create a HTTP-Server that accepts requests from the controller. To do that, the HTTP-Server should listen to localhost on port 5000. It must support the API as documented in the API documentation. The api must be implemented on the route /api. Furthermore, the route /web has to be supported for GET/web requests. The response to GET/web is a simple text string with the current status.
Build Docker image from your application:
docker build --no-cache -t my-app ./my-app
Test your application: FeatureCloud provides a Testbed. The usage is the same as when developing with the python templates, see here
Tag and push your application in FeatureCloud App Store:
Tag your app:
docker tag <Image_ID>
Login to our Docker registry with your user credentials:
docker login
Push your app:
docker push
Additional features of FeatureCloud¶
Privacy enhancing techniques:
GPU Computation: For this, simply checkout this blog post.
Testing of Workflows: Whole workflows can be tested and run via Featurecloud, you can find more information here.
Links to blog articles¶
Create an app¶
In this story we detail the steps for creating your application in FeatureCloud.
Run app in Testbed¶
Read about FeatureCloud Testbed and how can it accelerate the your application testing.
Communicate data¶
How to handle communication between participants in your federated application.
Publish your app¶
Steps for publishing your application in FeatureCloud App Store.
Run app with GPU¶
Read all about using GPU support in your application.